Monday, February 16, 2009

Cheap shoes

Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror
I need a haircut but doesn't matter today
Not even bothering with a shave
Where I'm headed I'm not expecting to pose for any group shots

Sitting at the edge of my makeshift bed
Trying to collect enough momentum to get through today
I put put my plastic Payless shoes over my mix-matched black socks
The cheap shoes will have finished their sole purpose after today and no one is going to be looking at my socks
Will have to use my mind as a shutter today because none of this will be remembered on cellulose

My jacket still carries dust from its last funeral
Meant to get it cleaned by didn't plan on wearing it to another one quite so soon
None of this matter because no one takes pictures at funerals

I used to think I was two inches too short from being content with life
Now after today, I can add I'm short a brother to say the same

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